Human Potential In Exceptional Situations

The human potential in exceptional situations

Is there anything more moving than seeing human potential in action in extreme situations? Probably not. But when people act in an altruistic way in extraordinary circumstances, there is something that really moves us. They are moments when fear, danger and uncertainty overwhelm us.

Karl Jaspers (18883 – 1969) was a German psychiatrist and philosopher. He has developed a vision on exceptional situations (Grenzsituationen). He described them as situations in which a peculiar contradiction occurs. They look like a maze with no exit, but at the same time and inherently contain the possibility to overcome them.

They are contradictory situations with which life surprises us. These are crucial moments when we see more clearly the meaning of our lives, despite the horror of uncertainty. They give meaning to our existence.

The human potential is in exceptional situations

In exceptional situations, human beings see themselves without masks. The key is survival, finding a way out of the labyrinth we find ourselves in. In these situations people are able to show the best of themselves. We can cooperate with others and cooperate with them. Those people are involved with us. In many cases, the human potential bursts open with a bang.

People risk their lives to save others. They unite during a natural disaster to protect their well-being and that of others. It is the people who go to conflict zones and war zones to help where it is needed. They are people who take action without an underlying motive to protect the most vulnerable.

Your potential has meaning in your life

We find the meaning of life in contact with the best of ourselves

There are many examples that show the possibilities of how we get the best out of ourselves in exceptional circumstances. They are proof that something positive can be built on top of the darkness and the mess. We want to be useful to other people.

Viktor Frankl talked about finding meaning in life through difficult situations. Carl Rogers also spoke about human potential. Both have full confidence in our potential as humans. They speak of the power to make our existence fuller, more authentic and more engaged.

People bloom open after the shaking and uncertainty

It’s amazing and encouraging to see how people can thrive in extreme situations, even after they’ve been hurt. We see how they discover what they want in their lives and what they can do without. Eventually they see what they are capable of and discover their real selves.

Life has presented them with a huge challenge. And it’s as if afterwards they discover a pure and unique potential that is hidden within them. After this discovery, they decide to live their lives pursuing this potential. They show and share their sincere and beautiful essence to and with the world.

Do you know someone who has experienced this rebirth? Someone who has rebuilt themselves after an experience we are talking about here? A kind of indescribable peace of mind begins to grow in these people. It is a serenity that enhances their present and gives it meaning. The good thing is that we too can be, or will be, that person.

The human potential

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