I Learned That Being With The People I Like Is Enough

I learned that being with the people I like is enough

Let’s think about how good we feel when we are at a party and surrounded by people who love us. Let’s think about the difference between feeling comfortable and uncomfortable at work.

We can list a plethora of situations that demonstrate the importance of appreciating what we have. What makes us happy is the collection of incentives that make us want to stay in one place with certain people.


Disappointment, a matter of expectations

It is quite normal to experience disappointment every now and then. In fact, it would be extremely difficult if this were not the case. We cannot ultimately hope that our expectations will match the reality or the world that surrounds us. That would be disappointing after all.

To nuance this in a way… it would be unfair and narcissistic to expect everything to be the way we want it to be. At the same time, we should not give up our hopes on this and this is where our attitude becomes important.

Imagine that you were preparing a party for someone special to you and that you had very high expectations of yourself throughout this process. When the person in question finally arrives, however, he has a lot to complain about because what you have prepared ‘doesn’t fit what he had in mind’.

Cover Eyes

This person’s attitude is dishonest and shows little emotional intelligence, as he doesn’t see that what really matters is that there are people at his party who love him, something we normally always appreciate.

We want to say with this example that if we act like the automatic protester who is always complaining about every little detail that doesn’t live up to our expectations, we:

  • Wishing to create an unreal world that is not ideal.
  • Abusing the essence of events.
  • Not paying attention to what is really important.

Our own circumstances often put us back on our feet, recognizing that if we’re really uncomfortable, it’s because we refuse to accept something that in itself can turn out great in the end.

Accepting our emotions and our reality

There is NO such thing as a world where everything is always rosy. It is important that we accept that experiencing sadness, fear or anger is not a bad thing. It helps us learn and feel. Sometimes it can even feel very pleasant to be sad, something that often surprises us.

How come we sometimes feel comfortable while experiencing an unpleasant emotion? It is simply a matter of aligning the things we need at that moment. The first thing we have to do for this is to stop believing that the world is a place full of roses and moons.

We are not machines and we don’t always come out better in life. Recognizing this will enable us to adopt the right attitude to the avalanche of problems that can sometimes seriously disturb our inner peace. Well-being is achieved not only through happiness, but also through accepting our experiences, the search for what is good for us and finding our place.

In short, as we said before:  to feel at ease you need an attitude based on acceptance and coexistence, because in the end life becomes really beautiful only when we admire its beauty and when we accept that sometimes bad things happen on the border of all this beauty.

To conclude, we give you a part of a poem by Borges that we have already used in several articles, In Time I learned :


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