If You Feel Sad, Ask Yourself These Questions

Did you know that there is an inner sage waiting to tell you why you are sad? Keep reading and find out more about this!
If you feel sad, ask yourself these questions

Within each of us is a sage waiting to speak. If you feel sad, then that inner sage will probably tell you something. However, you don’t allow yourself to hear it. Today we share with you some questions to ask yourself. It will help you to hear it.

Sometimes you just feel sad. You look for reasons but you can’t find any. Life fails to arouse your interest. You don’t feel any enthusiasm for anything. You just let yourself go as if time were a freshly waxed floor.

At other times you are sad but you know the reasons. It can be the result of a loss, a failure, a disappointment, or many other things. The situation then weighs so heavily on you that you cannot get rid of the feeling of sadness.

Ask yourself these questions about the reasons why you feel sad

There are times in life when sadness is inevitable. However, there are other times when you can brush it aside. However, you don’t know how. You may even want to continue to feel and feed it. So if you’re feeling sad, it’s worth asking yourself some questions that can help you.

Have I done something that makes me feel guilty?

In many cases the sadness does not go away because a sense of guilt perpetuates it. The worst part, however, is that in many cases the guilt is just imaginary. Then it has nothing to do with a real debt on your part. Rather, it is a fantasy that we have not yet identified or paid much attention to.

Guilt often surrounds us as a result of an event that negatively affected others or ourselves. That’s when you start whining about things you haven’t been able to process. You then let them spin around in your head. You also don’t know how to handle the situation.

If you feel sad, ask yourself if you are true to your wishes

Am I true to my wishes?

Another common reason for sadness is dissonance. This is especially the case when you cannot pinpoint a specific cause. For some reason you have betrayed your desires, your dreams or your affections.

Deep within you, this causes a feeling of distress. Sorrow is the outward expression of that inward reproach. Deep down, it’s not exactly sadness that you feel. You, on the other hand, are horrified and annoyed at yourself. You are still a prisoner of a situation where you want something. However, you are doing something completely different.

Am I true to my beliefs?

This is similar to the previous question. In this case, however, the emphasis is on the contradiction between what you consciously think and what you do. For example, maybe you witness an injustice. However, out of fear, negligence, or insecurity, you have not challenged or confronted it.

You may have given in to another person’s idea, action, or point of view. The only reason was that you were afraid to go against the grain. Deep down, however, you know that this clashes with your true beliefs. This leads to you being annoyed with yourself. As in the previous case, this reproach takes the form of grief.

I sleep and eat well

Am I sleeping and eating well?

Feeling sad is not always connected with emotions or thoughts. After all, it very often has to do with an excessively demanding lifestyle or simply because you don’t take good care of yourself. Fatigue and poor nutrition also lead to sadness, especially if it lasts for a long time.

A lack of rest affects our emotions in a significant way. The simple fact of not getting enough sleep makes us see everything around us as dull and lifeless. Likewise, our brains suffer from a nutrient deficiency when not eating properly. As a result, this makes us more irritable and depressed.

What can make me feel better?

When you’re feeling sad, this may be the most important question to ask yourself. Sometimes it is not easy to find the answers to your questions. However, this question is usually achievable.

In the short term, a simple act like relaxing, going for a walk, or getting away from a certain environment can help. In the long run, other actions may be the way to go: changing jobs, resolving pending issues with your partner, or consulting a counselor.

Feeling sad is not bad or good per se. It is something that we will all experience now or in the future. In addition, it is a feeling that returns again and again. Often you will have the impression that it never leaves you. It’s time to stop and try to determine where it comes from.

Maybe something is struggling to surface. If you let it come out, you might feel better.

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