I’m Fine With You Protecting Me But Not With Controlling Me

I'm fine with you protecting me, but not controlling me

In intimate relationships, jealousy can sometimes lead to our partner trying to control us, or vice versa. And we often confuse this with protection.

“If he’s controlling me, it’s because he loves me”, “If he’s jealous, it’s because he loves me”, “If he gets mad, he has a reason to be”. Make no mistake, this is almost never the case. Jealousy is not the same as love and control is not the same as protection.

The behavior of a person who has the urge to control his or her partner will only get worse. Maybe your partner wants to know where you are at any time of the day. If he could always be with you, every second of the day, he would. When you are being monitored, it is important that you set boundaries. Think of  your freedom as something more valuable than a relationship that denies you it.

I want to be free, without limits

Rowing Couple

Control is a way of expressing insecurity we feel in ourselves. Ultimately, we cannot control anyone else, because each of us is free. Those who control others in relationships try to justify depriving their partner of their freedom.

Being in a relationship doesn’t mean your wings can be clipped. We must continue to pursue our dreams. If we want to travel and visit other countries, we should. Don’t stop living your life just because you’re in a relationship. Don’t get your wings clipped, because if you do, you won’t be happy.

Love can make us very happy, but if there is a dark side that robs you of your freedom and controls you, how can you ever be happy? Sometimes you think you’re wrong and someone isn’t checking you, that you’re turning a mosquito into an elephant. Be careful as this is a controlling partner tactic; he or she wants you to doubt yourself. Open your eyes!

You cannot afford not to be free. What about your dreams and your life? Be free and don’t let anyone control you. Control is not love. Love is something else, something in which your freedom and happiness come first.

If they find out, you won’t be able to escape

Man and Woman are from different planets and should not want to control each other

It can be difficult to see the controlling behavior clearly, especially if our emotions are blinding us. That’s why  we need to learn the signs of controlling behavior, both in our partner and in the people we interact with on a day-to-day basis. Sometimes there are friends who want to control us and even our family. Of course, it happens more often in a relationship and then it stands out more.

A controlling partner often wants too much and too soon. They want to be with you always, as long as possible. This can be fun at first, but after a while it can get very overwhelming. There is no rationality, everything is wonderful and wonderful, so they don’t want to waste a moment. While they have your full attention and watch over you, they will also feel that they have rights over your life.

Your partner may be seductive, but he or she is a seducer with hidden motives. Your partner always wants you to be happy so you don’t leave him or her. This is where the possessiveness begins.

Your partner makes you feel special. You are the best thing that ever happened to him or her, you are unique and irreplaceable in the world. With this, the controlling person starts to feel like they have the right to decide your life.

Often you won’t believe it’s actually happening. Everything happens in silence. Think about the person you’re in a relationship with and don’t let them swallow you  or control you. Of course you feel safe and special when you are with him or her, but pay attention! In the long run, you will only be left with a controlling personality that will not make you happy, but even the opposite.

Lost time

Protect your freedom, protect your wings. No one has the right to cut them off; no one has the right to control your life. It’s your life and you’re the one in charge of it. You have to live your life with pleasure, you have to fulfill your dreams and overcome all the obstacles that come your way.

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