Intelligent People Have Fewer Friends

Intelligent people have fewer friends

It is not considered intelligent to have only a few friends. Just the opposite is true: the lack of friends puts you in the strange bird category, among the kind of people who don’t like to hang out with others. But is this the truth? Is it true that having few friends is strange? Some people say it equates to intelligence.

This is a revolutionary statement that many people can relate to, while others are very surprised at this news. One study revealed that intelligent people may have far fewer friends  because they behave very differently than we are used to.

Psychologists Satoshi Kanazawa and Norman Lee concluded that people who live in places with a high population density feel less happy. This statement makes sense to many people, but it had never been proven or even researched, it turned out. But now it’s backed up by statistics, confirming that the legend is true.

Intelligent people and friends

When you think of smart people, you might think of people who get good grades or always have a book in their hands. They prefer to spend time in the library working on assignments assigned by their professor. Socialization  is not something they need, in fact they are happy in their solitude.

Intelligent People Friends

A study conducted by the London School of Economics and Singapore Management University revealed that  people with high IQs don’t need as much interaction  as other people to feel good.

On the other hand  , the people with a much lower IQ showed the need to socialize,  to spend more time getting to know people. This shows that intelligent people are swimming against the tide of the rest of the population. They don’t do what is considered ‘normal’. They are happy without such an active, social life.

There were 15,000 participants in the study, who were between the ages of eighteen and twenty-eight. This is a young age range, where the need for interaction and getting to know other people is greater. Despite this, intelligent people did not feel as happy when they socialized as others. That pleasant feeling of spending time with other people and meeting new people was not experienced by them in the same way, which was a significant result.

Loneliness and independence

Many people have serious problems with loneliness and  emotional dependence. We were not raised to live on the margins of everything and everyone. We are social creatures who enjoy good company and sometimes even need it. But what if you are happy in your solitude?

The research shows that  intelligent people get much more satisfaction from the time they spend alone. This does not mean that they isolate themselves from the world; of course they interact with others, but only with people close to them and famous people.

Intelligent People Friends

Intelligent people can count their friends on one hand and if any of these people fail them in any way, they have no trouble at all moving on with their lives without this person. They are willing to go through life without any support. Unlike many people  , they don’t depend on others for their happiness.

Intelligent people are in harmony with themselves and socializing is not one of their priorities.

They are a lot more independent and enjoy being alone,  which is unimaginable for most people. In this regard, researchers looked to the  Savanna Theory , which focuses on the evolution of the human brain from the beginning to the present.

When  Homo sapiens  first walked this planet, they did not live separately from each other. Instead, they lived together in large, open spaces. There were very few people and they formed groups to protect themselves and survive.

Intelligent people feel as if they are in these wide and lonely places, with few people around. That’s why  they are willing to face challenges alone, without help or support from strangers. They are sure of themselves, and relying on people they barely know will only work against them.

The people who have contributed great inventions to the world are not exactly known for their social skills. Perhaps their projects and goals made them much happier than their association with other people. Kanazawa, who works at the London School of Economics, dropped another bombshell: the most intelligent women either don’t have children, or will have them later in life.

If you take a look around you, you’ll see that Kanazawa has a good point. People with higher education, careers, or other types of training do not have children until they are past their thirties. But most people who finish their education after high school have a family with one or more children well before their thirties.

It seems that being more or less intelligent has a lot to do with dependence and the direction you take in life. Research shows that your intelligence can lead you in different ways.

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