Let Everything Flow And Nothing Hold You Back

Let everything flow and nothing hold you back

For a day let everything flow and nothing hold you back. Don’t let a day’s misfortune be a weight that can pull you down, and frustrate your hopes and urges to live. For a day, let go of everything that can obscure your vision with dark clouds, free yourself from the things that erase your smile and, simply put, keep you from moving forward…

We really should practice these simple principles not just today, but every day. Every morning when we open our eyes to the new day ahead, we think about the new challenges, and for a moment, we begin to convince ourselves that we have forgotten how to be happy.

Let everything flow, don’t cling to resentment, don’t cling to fear or to the people or things that want to clip your wings. Everything has its time and place and possibilities will only arise when your mind is calm and your heart is active.

One of the greatest interpreters of the flow theory is without a doubt psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. Csikszentmihalyi, author of the book Flow: A Psychology of Happiness , explains that we waste too much mental energy on unimportant stimuli. We live in a society that is overloaded with information that our entire being is externally focused on.

We have lost the great bond with ourselves, the bond in which we simply move forward, moving completely freely and happily on the ‘waves of life’. Please read on to find out more.

Photo Of A Setting Sun And Birds In The Sky Saying Let Everything Flow

Let everything flow, let nothing limit you

We are all, in one way or another, prisoners of something or someone. We are touched by the words of our fatalistic colleague, we allow ourselves to be influenced by what our partner expects of us, we worry that at the end of the day we will not be able to achieve all the goals we have set for ourselves, to fulfill…

We cling so tightly to the jumble of influences and the demands we place on ourselves that we let a large part of our life energy evaporate, like snow in the sun. In addition, an interesting study conducted at Harvard University shows that the ‘unstable mind’ is one of the most common sources of unhappiness.

We spend a lot of our time worrying about things that are long in the past, or worse, that haven’t even happened yet. This is another form of ‘captivity’. According to the author of this study, Dr. Daniel T. Gilbert, a wandering mind equals an unhappy mind. The moment when our brains stop living in the present moment is the moment when we stop dedicating ourselves to our happiness. We no longer devote ourselves to ourselves.

White Butterfly Sitting On A White Flower

Instead of letting yourself be imprisoned by your unstable mind and influenced by the noise and expectations of others, by yesterday’s mistakes and tomorrow’s fears, it’s time to lift the anchor and let it all go. flow and let nothing hold you back.

Let happiness flow

According to Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi herself, happiness is not something that just pops up or takes place, like the light of a lighthouse guiding boats to safety. In most cases, happiness does not depend on external phenomena, but on our inner ability to make our lives truly quality – on our own ‘magic’ or our own ability to light the light of our inner lighthouse.

It’s about letting everything flow, letting yourself flow, and running from nothing. For when we let ourselves be carried away by the harmonious sound of our own lives, without chains or external influences, we will discover the door that we could not see before.

Lighthouse At Sunset

Keys to learning to fluent

It is important to understand that in order for everything to flow and not to let anything hold you back, it is above all necessary that there is a profound shift in your consciousness. We can’t change much about the things that negatively affect us, but we can improve the way they affect us. For example, if you have a friend who is almost always late, you probably won’t be able to change their behavior, but you will be able to adjust your own schedule so that you yourself arrive five minutes late.

Let’s look at a few more key points:

  • A lot of people put off their happiness until the weekend, until when they can finally go on vacation, when they finally get that promotion. Let it be clear that happiness is not something you can put off, nor can it be bought in the form of a last minute offer at the travel agency.
  • Our well-being hides itself in the things that can be called ‘ideal expectations’. The wind caressing our cheeks while we are walking, the embrace of a child, the feeling we experience when we just start a new book, when we meet with some friends… Don’t try to program your well-being, let just let yourself go.
  • Also, it is important to remember that the best moments in our lives, in some cases, are neither passive nor stress-free. Sometimes facing adversity is also equivalent to ‘knowing how to let everything flow’. Instead of being stuck like a rock at the bottom of the sea, we keep moving forward like that seemingly weak leaf that has to fight against dangerous currents and still survive. These kinds of wins and achievements can also bring good luck.
A Woman Holding Her Hand In The Water And Says The Water Lets Everything Flow

The art of knowing “how to make things flow” has nothing to do with reaching the highest peaks or improving yourself every day. It simply means being present and moving forward in a balanced way, letting yourself be free and honest, with a satisfying inner peace, guided by your conscience, which allows you to enjoy ‘the here and now’.

So only today, let everything flow and nothing hold you back. 

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