Love For Introverted People

Love for introverts

The brains of introverts work differently. That is why their love affairs are usually more sensitive. They use much fewer words. But when they say, “I love you,” it’s very sincere and profound. They are personalities who are able to bond with their loved ones in a much more intense way. It’s almost magical.

Without fear of making a mistake, we can say that an introverted personality is better understood today. That is thanks to a lot of studies and books on the subject. Susan Cain, among others, has written a book about this, ‘Stil. The power of being introverted in a world that doesn’t stop chatting’.   This book teaches us all those important aspects of an introvert. That person is not shy but selective, observant and sensitive. In the work environment, they are even good leaders.

It is normal for introverts to experience difficulties when dealing with love. That is a logical consequence of the characteristics of their personality.

During their adolescence or most of their childhood, they may think they cannot compete with the brilliance and dazzling spark that extroverts radiate. For a while they live in those quiet corners in the back rows. From there they can watch the world quietly and discreetly. An introverted adolescent tends to secretly like. He dares not take a step further in an environment that, superficially, is made for the brave. Because this world seems to be designed for people who like noise. It’s an environment full of large groups of friends where everyone talks and no one listens.

But step by step the introvert ‘awakens’. He begins to realize what he has to offer…

A Girl With Two Buns And Hands In Her Hair That Is An Example Of Introverted People

When the need for seclusion becomes a problem

They say that simplicity consists in putting aside the obvious and leaving only what is meaningful. This idea, this focus, is undoubtedly a characteristic of introverts. They don’t like games or tricks. Talking to talk and seeking attention is not their thing. They don’t want to invest time and energy in something that doesn’t match their genuine interest. But they want to focus on the things in which they can put their soul and personality.

Maybe that’s why it’s not really easy for them to flirt. They don’t like parties and socializing. Starting a conversation in a larger group with someone they are attracted to is a very difficult task for them. We should not forget that this makes introverts tired. When they have to communicate and socialize, they can suffer from exhaustion. As a result, they need long periods of seclusion ‘to recharge their batteries’.

Carl Gustav Jung has also studied the subject of introversion with great interest. According to him, in introverts the focus of all attention is at the center of subjective and psychological processes. Therefore, they usually keep their distance from the whispers of everyday life. They get the necessary oxygen from isolation.

Now that we know this and also take into account the characteristics of an introverted personality, the question naturally arises…  how can they ever find a partner?

Introverted people and love

Today, a process known as the ‘Silent Revolution’ has been set in motion. This different way of thinking has different objectives. On the one hand, they want to break through erroneous views. Introversion and extroversion are not static categories. They are two extremes of a continuum. Each person shows characteristics of this whole to a greater or lesser extent.

The introverted person does not hate being social. It’s also not that he lacks social skills. Quite the contrary. We are talking about someone who has gained his own freedom. We live in a hyperactive society that forces everyone to depend on outside resources. Because they have so much information available. However, the introverted person has taken refuge in himself. This gives him the opportunity to be more creative, more sensitive, more original and more analytical. Plus, he’s great at controlling his emotions.

Sometimes it is not necessary to go to a party to find a partner. This personality knows the environments in which he wants to move. He knows how to connect with others. These are short-range seducers and masters of face-to-face conversations. They have the ability to create moments of simple and magical intimacy.

A Girl With Very Long Hair Who Drains A Cup And Is The Example Of Introverted People

Characteristics of an introverted partner

We also have to deal with another myth. Introverts would only be a good partner for people with the same personality. This is not so. Introverts and extroverts also make excellent couples because they enrich each other.

Now let’s see what are the characteristics of introverts:

  • Introverts enjoy sharing moments of seclusion with their partner. They focus all their energy and attention on that other person. Moreover, they are, as it were, magical architects. They ensure that we are in touch with our deepest feelings. At the same time, they build a strong and genuine relationship.
  • On the other hand, and this is important, an introverted personality knows how to give space to their loved one.  Introverts do this because they themselves need these moments on their own. They need that to process their environment and to enjoy themselves.
  • What we also need to understand is that we should never force an introverted person to be or do something that is not appropriate for them. These people feel resistance to changing their habits. They do not want to go against their values, essences and traditions. They don’t understand tricks or games. They also won’t “behave more socially” just because their partner asks.
  • Being silent doesn’t mean they’re thinking ‘something bad’. This is what people think very often. When you have an introverted partner, it means there will be a lot of quiet moments. When these people behave in this way, it does not mean that they are bored. It also doesn’t mean they don’t know what to say or feel uncomfortable.

We must not overwhelm them with the typical question, ‘What do you think?’

Because if there’s one thing introverts appreciate, it’s sharing those quiet moments with someone. For them, this means it is possible to be themselves without pressure. It is to rejoice in that genuine simplicity, as they connect their own inner world with that of their loved one in simple intimacy.

Is there anything better than this? 

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