Love The Little Details Of Everyday Days

Love the little details of everyday days

When was the last time you thought about the small details of your daily life? Not the big, important events, such as anniversaries, birthdays or holidays, but just the small, everyday events.

Many of us love the little details because they make us stronger, humbler, and grander, deepening our bonds and enhancing our feelings.

The little things make connections stronger and sustain our relationships with daily care, attention and affection.

Sleep together

The little details make the difference

The small details make a big difference. They help us feel the support that comes with feeling loved, without the need for epic declarations of love or brave heroes to rescue us from the clutches of a violent dragon.

True heroism is to leave a mark through small gestures, to sow kindness to one day reap greatness. Ultimately, what matters is that we are able to see the wealth that is hidden in each day.

We hope day after day that one day we will win the lottery, that a miracle will turn our lives around, but at the same time we realize that the true prize can be found in the things we already enjoy every day.

Think for example of a kiss, a hug, a conversation with a special person, your favorite meal, walking the road that leads you to your dreams, an exciting movie, the joy you feel when you are greeted by a dog, an afternoon watching a movie under a pile of blankets with a large bowl of popcorn on your lap, fantasies and ambitions, reading a good book in good company.

We can enjoy all these ‘little things’ every day without even realizing it. We think it’s important to diet, exercise, or finish a report before work. This is all nice and nice, but what is really important is that the days don’t go by without having moments that bring a smile to our faces.


Start collecting emotional memories to enjoy the small details

If we make the effort to collect emotional memories, it will become easier to enjoy the little things,  which will help us strengthen our bonds with others and generally feel better about ourselves every day.

To do this, it can help to keep a journal where you write down all the details you enjoyed that day and connect them to your emotions. In addition, you can also create a love card that floods you with the small and beautiful details of your life and the people you love most. But what exactly is a love card?

According to psychologist John Gottman, a love card is a list of all the special qualities we should know about the people we love. By being emphatically aware of these details, we will be more attentive to the daily opportunities to show the people we love this affection. Making a love card about someone we love helps us get a clear picture of this person in our minds, making it easier to remind ourselves of all the reasons we love this person.


What should you know about making a love card?

When making a love card, you should find out the answers to the following questions:

  • What is his/her favorite food?
  • What is his/her favorite movie, series, program or book?
  • Which two people does he/she admire the most? Why?
  • What is his/her favorite animal?
  • What is the first thing he/she would buy if he/she won the lottery?
  • What could you do to improve the relationship between the two of you?
  • Where would he/she most like to go?
  • What does he/she enjoy most?
  • What would he/she like to change about himself/herself? Or to others?
Tuck in
  • How would he/she prefer to spend an afternoon at home?
  • What are his/her dreams and ambitions?
  • What does he/she think he/she is best at?
  • What would he/she like to improve in his/her life?
  • What kind of books does he/she prefer to read? When does he/she prefer to read?
  • Which magazines does he/she like?
  • What does he/she like to do when he/she is sick and can’t leave the house?
  • What would his/her favorite gift be?
  • What is he/she most concerned about?
  • What reasons does he/she have for being proud of themselves?

By answering these kinds of questions, we can create a great love card that will help us appreciate the small details of our everyday lives, something that is especially needed to make the people we love feel special, unique. and are irreplaceable.

–Images courtesy of Puung–

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