Make Decisions Easier With The 10-10-10 Rule

The most interesting aspect of the 10-10-10 rule is that it helps you make decisions that can be painful or annoying. However, they are decisions that can benefit you in the long term during your personal growth journey.
Making decisions easier with the 10-10-10 rule

The 10-10-10 rule was designed to help people make difficult decisions. We’re talking about those kinds of decisions where things can go right or wrong if you choose A instead of B.

You don’t really know what to do with these decisions. There are also no factors that make one option more attractive than another. This rule makes it easier for you to make decisions.

Sometimes the old for-and-against trick doesn’t suffice in the case of those tough decisions. The 10-10-10 rule then plays a role here. Suzy Welch invented this method. She is a journalist who was already famous for her bestselling books.

Welch has carefully studied the activity of the brain during the decision-making process. She has established that a very important and negative factor plays a role in this.

It is called hyperbolic discounting (misconceptions). It means we act as if the future doesn’t exist. For example, we eat junk food as if it poses no threat to our health. To counter those prejudices, Welch designed the 10-10-10 rule.

How does the 10-10-10 rule work?

The 10-10-10 rule starts with asking yourself one question that triggers a tough decision to make. What should you do first?

Clearly describe the problem you need to solve or the decision you need to make. We give an example. “Should I give up my job?” or “Is it time to have another child?” or “Should I leave my country?”

The more specifically you answer this question, the easier it will be to make the right decision. So it’s better when we know exactly what the fundamental part of a problem is or what the related variables are.

The next thing to do is gather some information. There are several ways to do this. You can read, have conversations or use any other resource you have at hand.

The goal is to recognize the main choices you have. What is your goal? Answer these three simple questions. What are the consequences of each of my choices within 10 minutes? And in 10 months? And in 10 years?

How does the 10-10-10 rule work?

The three moments

Don’t take the 10-10-10 rule literally. With every small decision you have to make, you don’t have to ask yourself what will happen in 10 minutes, 10 months or 10 years.

This is just a way of giving an idea of ​​how the method works. The goal is to view the situation in terms of what will happen immediately, later in the future and in the long term.

The first moment refers to the consequences of a decision in the here and now. The second moment makes you think about a moment when the decision has already been made and the first real consequences are starting to show.

So what does the third moment have to do with? It refers to the distant future and the effects of your decision after a great deal more time has passed.

Suzy Welch named it the 10-10-10 rule because she wanted it to be used as a sort of mantra. However, it really means being aware of the moment you make the decision, the moment after you make it, and the moment when all is said and done.

Making decisions more easily

The analysis

Once you have created a visualization with the 10-10-10 rule, you need to perform an additional analysis. These are the elements that should be part of this analysis.

The information you have collected and your beliefs, dreams and needs. Welch points out that you need to ask yourself another question. Which choice will help me take better control of my life?

The answer to this question is the last factor that will help you make a decision. The most appropriate decision is the one that best fits the future you want.

Not everyone will have a happy ending with this process. Sometimes decisions involve loss or you have to give up certain things. However, if you apply this method correctly, you will eventually feel relieved. Once you find the best way to grow, you will be more motivated to focus motivation on it. 

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