Moments Of Solitude Are Good For The Soul

Moments of solitude are good for the soul

When no one is looking, my soul is happy. Then I can be like a playing child, laugh at everything or cry. No adult can judge me. During moments of solitude I enjoy the little pleasures, doing nothing, and dreaming about everything. I can walk around naked or take a nice bath, full of bubbles and foam. I can disinfect my worries and problems.

There are only a few scenarios that we need as much as those in which we live completely in our own intimacy. Intimacy that is sometimes very clear, sometimes pleasant, but above all, important. Because when no one is looking, body and mind relax and we let go of our many layers.

We enjoy the little things like drinking a cup of coffee or reading a magazine. From dressing us up to staring at the sunset.

People spend much of their day burdened by an endless amount of rules that govern behavior. Perhaps that’s why it’s such a relief for us to have personal spaces where nothing is expected of us. Where we are not exposed to judgmental looks or opinions on how we should behave, dress or react.

It’s a subject as complicated as it is interesting, and we invite you to explore it with us.

Woman blowing bubbles

If no one is looking we can do anything

When dealing with a universal force, we need to adapt physically and mentally. We spend much of our lives moving between different environments, where something is always required of us. We must be good children, good students, efficient workers, perfect parents and ideal friends.

It is now clear that most of us strive to live up to all expectations. But the pressure, both internal and external, creates tiny emotional calluses. These are the signs of pressure, fatigue and wear.

Striving for excellence in our lives is not necessarily a bad thing. We also don’t deny that it’s nice to be loved and loved. It’s also great for sharing moments with friends. But all of us, really all of us, long for our private space where no one can see us. Where we can finally let ourselves go to free ourselves from psychological and emotional pressure.

reading woman

According to a study by neurologist Mark Leary, of the University of North Carolina in the United States,  the most common pressure people suffer from are so-called meta-perceptions. That is, the perceptions we have about how others see us.

For many, it’s a kind of social anxiety that can really upset you, where the aforementioned moments of intimacy have their greatest value. Because the threatening feeling of “always being judged” can finally be turned off. For others, this aspect is no problem at all. They filter all the signs they receive through a good self-image.

They don’t need protection, but they too value their moments of solitude. If no one can see them.

The pleasure of moments of solitude

Prepare a dessert where we explain for the thousandth time to our dog why he should not have chocolate. Dancing around the house with your hair tousled, with two different socks, in your underwear. Painting your nails, playing a video game, reading erotic books, writing your initials on a fogged up window while the rain is pouring down…

Is this important? Yes very much. Because what we do when no one can see us is nobody’s business. It’s like the corner under the stairs where we hid as children to create our own fantasy world, far away from the adults.

Now our minds are worn out by the adult worries and the same fears we had as children. We long to discover this private corner where we can connect with ourselves.

For Mihaly Csikszentmihalvi, well-known psychologist and author of books like  “Flow: A Psychology of Happiness” ,  these moments are an indispensable part of our personal and emotional well-being. That is why they are necessary.

Man cuddles with horse

Any act that allows us to leave behind our ‘dead skin’ or negative thoughts, stress or worries and connect with the present and our own consciousness is a way to invest in your own happiness .

Going with the flow means letting yourself be carried away by the pleasant sounds of life. To live without any rush or pressure, but without neglecting this wonderful adventure of your own. The moments of solitude, which no one else can see, are important. Here you can rest and nourish your soul. Do it every day. 

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