Read This Beautiful Persian Wisdom About Love

Read these beautiful Persian wisdoms about love

Some Persian wisdom about love dates back a thousand years. This is no surprise as the Persian culture is composed of many cultures. Each of these cultures has brought its own wisdom. Their combination has created a wonderful and interesting society.

Persian wisdoms are part of the folk culture. Yet they have an undeniable philosophical content. The Persian Empire prospered as spectacularly as it fell. This certainly gave rise to deep reflection.

There are very few Persian wisdoms about love. This culture focused more on existential topics. Still, they have some wonderful statements about this complex emotion. In this article we give you five of those Persian wisdoms about love.

Persian wisdom about love

Love and loneliness

One of the best-known Persian wisdoms about love says the following. “The thirst of the heart is not quenched with a drop of water.” This means that when someone longs for love and wants to be loved, they need more than a small gesture of affection or a passing encounter.

People who lack affection love in a specific way. Usually they do it in an obsessive way. They feel so empty that they exaggerate their own feelings. A lonely and “thirsty” heart needs more than a drop of water. However, it should also be careful not to drink too much.

Love and loneliness

One leader on every ship

Another Persian wisdom warns us about something that often happens in relationships. In an effort to be democratic, both partners try to steer the ship. However, this could be a mistake.

The saying sounds like this. Two captains will sink the ship.”  It means that if two leaders act at the same time, things could end in disaster. Instead of trying to share the helm, alternate with your partner.

Two people with different ideas trying to determine the route at the same time is counterproductive. On the contrary, try to share and conquer or divide the time for leadership equally.

Remembrance and hope

This is one of the Persian wisdoms with the following words. “Don’t let your memories outweigh your hopes.”  In love, for better or for worse, the past is often very present. Sometimes we fail to forget old lovers. We then cling to failures and cannot let go of our pain.

In love and in life it is a wise choice not to get stuck in the past. Let everything flow and don’t cling to situations or emotions. Let life take its course. If you want to keep going, don’t tie yourself to a moment that has already passed.

Remembrance and hope

Love and kindness

The origin of the word  kindness  is in the word  love.  To be kind is to earn love. We also use this adjective to describe a person who is kind, open and respectful towards others. This includes the essence of kindness.

One of the Persian wisdoms goes like this. “With a sweet tongue and kindness you can drag an elephant by a hair.”  In other words, good manners are more powerful than aggressiveness or rudeness. Anyone who loves others should remember this.

Pearls are rare

Pearls are rare

We all go through times in our lives when everything seems to bloom, including love. However, in our lives there are also periods when everything is exactly the opposite. Then nothing grows and nothing blooms. Sometimes these moments make us lose hope. Our way of looking at the world then changes.

One of the Persian wisdoms about love talks about how important it is not to let this happen. This wisdom says,  “If you dive into the sea and find no pearls, do not conclude that there are no pearls in the sea.” When you go looking for pearls, sometimes you don’t find them. It’s just because you’re looking in the wrong place.

All these wonderful Persian wisdoms about love remind us that love is a very complicated feeling. Everything depends on how you approach it. It can bring you happiness or suffering. You have the ability to discover the best way to experience love, develop it and make it a positive force in your life. 

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