Rediscover The Values ​​of Your Childhood In This Short Film

Do you remember the values ​​of your childhood? Think about it and free yourself from your worries, responsibilities and daily tensions for a while. In the innocence of childhood are hidden values ​​that give life the greatest meaning. These are essential values ​​that, during adulthood, are often forgotten and neglected.

The hectic pace of modern life carries with it many responsibilities and obligations that, little by little, degrade the quality of life. They can keep you from doing what you really want to do. They can limit your expectations and dreams, leaving you in a state of existential emptiness and discontent.

Do you spend your time on what you really need, what you want and what gives your life meaning?

Reflecting on this raises many questions, all of which lead to the realization that a change of perspective is what is really needed. Most people prefer not to wonder what they are doing. This is because they focus on what they think they should be doing and what they should be doing, as if they had no other options.

Life is much more than just breathing

Learning to discover and feel true happiness is easier said than done. Usually this skill is learned during childhood. It takes no time for a child to be filled with natural and spontaneous wonder every time he or she discovers something new in the natural world. Throughout your childhood you can find joy and entertainment in everything, such as watching beetles scurrying around, staring out the window at the rain for hours or forgetting time while playing games while imagining, discovering and exploring.

The ability to enjoy life and live it with high expectations for the future is learned during childhood. Unfortunately, it is easy to lose this ability once one enters adulthood; it becomes ‘uneducated’. It must give way to what is deemed best for one’s adult life.

However, is the path you walk the best path for you? Often it has to be changed and adapted to meet the expectations of others.  After all, following the advice of others is seen as the best thing for your future.

You have believed in the path, but never doubted it. You have walked a path littered with impositions, through which you have lost your authentic ability and essence to be happy.

Regain the values ​​of your childhood

By questioning life, you adjust your path and let it lead in the direction you want to go, so that you can reach your end goal in the way you want.  Have you forgotten your happiness? Here is the first step to regain it. Let’s think it over…

It is true that maturity comes with many responsibilities and obligations, and too often these responsibilities are given too much importance. That this happens means that your attention and energy is being put into things that are not part of your creative potential. The ability to reinvent, discover and amaze yourself is lost.

Regaining the values ​​of your childhood means questioning the life you lead, rediscovering your expectations, respecting and responding to your own needs, and paying more attention to the little things. It means learning to enjoy taking the time to discover all that you are passionate about.

Discover your passion, devote your time to it and allow yourself to enjoy it. You will thus find the deeper meaning of your life. 

Learning from your childhood

You have the chance to rediscover values ​​such as innocence, amazement, curiosity, kindness, happiness etc… If you observe and think carefully and thoughtfully, you can learn a lot from children. From their spontaneity and passion for the things they like, from their tendency to make a game out of everything and always enjoy it.

The next great short film that depicts a dialogue between father and daughter shows the profound influence parents have on their children, turning their children into mini-adults and causing them to leave childhood too soon. This when in reality it is the parents who should make an effort to see life somewhat through the eyes of their children and learn from their kind of wisdom.

There is no one better than a child to teach you to enjoy the present moment, to teach you to play and find satisfaction in everything you do.

Enjoy this charming short film and think about its beautiful message! (NB: the film is in Spanish, but with English subtitles)


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