Sadness Goes Away When You Listen To It

Sadness goes away when you listen to it

Feeling sadness flowing through your body is a natural phenomenon. You feel it suffocating your mind and you struggle to escape it. However, many of us try to suppress what we feel in an attempt to get rid of it. Not only does this make the situation worse, but it also leads to their grief settling in and feeding on their minds. Grief goes away, but only when you face it.

Society has taught us that this is how we should act. An artificial ‘should’. We try to control our emotions. Society tells us that laughing is a good thing, for example. It is a sign of joy. But it is irritating and undesirable when you laugh too loudly or too shrilly, because you want to or because you can’t contain yourself.

If this is the case for positive emotions, then negative ones (crying, being depressed) should definitely be avoided. This limitation is taken to such extremes, even when we are in our own homes and have no one around, that we find it difficult to express our emotions.

Man with white balloons who knows: sadness goes away when you accept it

Why has sadness settled in your life?

Grief can appear for a variety of reasons: a layoff, a breakup, a financial drain, or even an unexpected illness. These are normal and common situations. Simpler than we’d like. The problem arises when we fail to properly control the emotions, either through ignorance or through conscious denial. If we don’t control the emotions, it ceases to be an emotion, but becomes a status with roots that go very deep.

Therefore, sadness can settle in our lives. If we are unable to observe it and discover what it is trying to tell us, it will always be there. Let’s look at some examples:

  • The grief that arises after a breakup is a natural part of the grieving process. Feeling and experiencing helps us to turn the page and move on.
    When it comes from an illness, sadness can help us become aware of our vulnerability. It reminds us to take it easy and look inside.
  • With financial loss, grief can make us pause and consider our options. We may find a solution that we overlooked earlier.
  • Being sad can provide an opportunity to pause and reflect on what is happening to you. Most of all, it can help you appreciate what you once took for granted. However, when sadness completely swallows us up, when we are just one step away from depression and can’t let go, we need to stand up and take action.
Woman in the sea feeling overwhelmed by sadness

Grief goes away: smart strategies to shake off sadness

If you want to get rid of the sadness that makes you depressed and makes you wake up every morning with a grimace of disappointment instead of a smile, of the sadness that makes you feel like your life has no meaning, then you need some apply strategies.

The most important are accepting your sadness and the way it manifests itself, such as crying or introspection. It is useless to hold it in or reject it. You have to accept that you are sad and most of all allow yourself to express your sadness. It doesn’t matter if you cry, wail, burst into tears. Those things are necessary. Emotional relief is not achieved by building walls to contain your sadness.

Crying brings peace. It’s a way to take care of yourself. If you’re feeling overwhelmed with grief that just won’t go away, look for other ways to take care of yourself. Exercise, eat healthy, go out with friends. In short, the battle is not lost. Little by little you can make small changes to get yourself going and motivate you.

Finally, it is worth rediscovering your internal motivation, that desire to do your best despite the possible outcome. This means that if you have to do something you don’t want to do, you do it anyway. You can also try mindfulness, a very enjoyable activity that will help you feel better and see everything in a new perspective.

As a final note, we would like to say that the key is to hire a professional if you can’t take the pain anymore, if you feel so overwhelmed and can’t find a way to escape it. While you may think your situation will never change, eventually every storm gives way to beautiful rays of sunshine.

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