Seven Characteristics Of People Who Crave Love

People who intensely long for love have often lacked love in their youth. Without treatment, this could lead to a lot of suffering. 
Seven characteristics of people who crave love

People who regularly crave love do so because they grew up without too much love and emotional intimacy. We’re talking about people who need to be hugged and heard kind words. They have simply never felt love from the people around them.

People who grow up with a lack of love go through life waiting for the wound to heal. The problem is that they think they need others to heal. But only through self-acceptance, and loving themselves, can they recover.

These people often confuse these two things with love and acceptance of others. Of course there is nothing wrong with wanting to be loved and accepted. But it does become a problem when these people experience a lack of love. They try to make up for a lack of affection by making other people love them.

People who crave love often create situations in which their inner emptiness is often emphasized. This is a complex psychological process that requires psychological help.

These are the seven characteristics of people who are so desperate for love.

The seven characteristics of people who crave love

1. Obsessive Affection

People who so desire for love consider affection very important. They may even think that there is nothing more important. That is why a fire is kindled inside when someone shows them any kind of affection.

They find it very difficult to deal with affection naturally. Just the thought of receiving it makes them nervous. They feel excited and anxious at the same time and often become completely obsessed with it. 

craving for love man woman embrace

2. They try to control others

Also, it is common for people who have a strong need for love to become possessive, and controlling, towards people from whom they receive affection. They don’t do it so much to control the other person’s life. But they do it mainly because they want to avoid pain themselves.

These people often have a subconscious tendency to believe that they will never lose this person as long as they keep them in plain sight. The fear of abandonment and betrayal (the result of their emotional damage) creates the need for control. But this often leads to a fight or divorce.

3. They are demanding

People who have never experienced true love later find it difficult to believe in it. And so they want the other person to show their love constantly. They can be very demanding towards partners or really anyone with whom they have a loving relationship.

For example, they might say things like, “You should have been there, but you weren’t” or, “I was hoping you would do something special, but you didn’t.” They think that love is all-encompassing and unconditional. But even a mother couldn’t offer you that.

4. They beg for affection

People who crave love are demanding, but they also tend to let too many things go down. For them, anything is better than losing the one they love. As a result, they ignore their own needs and well-being.

If they feel that the other person is distancing themselves, they will do everything in their power not to lose them. They feel worthless and think that the love of the other person gives meaning to their own life. This means that they will even accept abuse if they have to.

craving love hug

5. They Sacrifice Too Much

These people make love more dramatic and painful than it needs to be. They are so grateful that someone loves them that they will make all kinds of sacrifices to please them. 

Love means that every now and then you have to put something aside, we really won’t deny that. But these people take it to the extreme. They act as if the other is the only one with rights and privileges, and as if they are the only ones who can give.

6. They don’t trust the other person

No matter how hard they try, people who crave love cannot bring themselves to trust others. They are constantly suspicious, and as a result, their relationships gradually thin. They always expect to be abandoned, someone to hurt them, and so this is how they will see it. 

Their distrust is so intense that they come to see even good things as bad. And vice versa. They are always on the lookout for alternative motives, hidden agendas, and see conspiracies everywhere. It’s all part of their enormous fear of pain.

7. Accepting them is not acceptable

Abuse in all its forms is unacceptable. Unfortunately, a lack of affection sometimes pushes people into a cycle where they will accept all the behaviors of people they have a loving relationship with.

They see no difference between an argument or disagreement and abuse. They can get angry for nothing but also accept physical and mental abuse.

The situation is a true paradox. People who need love look to others to fill their own void. But because they don’t love themselves, they get disappointed in love again and again. That is why professional help in such situations is so important.

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