Seven Uplifting Quotes For Everyday Grief

Seven Uplifting Quotes for Everyday Grief

We could all use an uplifting quote every now and then to help with everyday grief. They remind us that although we have bad days, we need to lift ourselves up and fly again.

Ultimately, when you’ve hit rock bottom, you can only go up. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, you can turn your sorrows into seeds of valuable lessons…

You know it’s not easy. And there’s always someone around trying to motivate you with the same old, tiresome inspirational quotes. The same quotes we see all over social media.

A quote by itself will not heal you or give you a way out of a frustrating or unpleasant situation.

Yet quotes do one thing very well: they help you reflect. In the complex art of understanding and disentangling your emotions and problems, books and quotes can be a helpful resource.

The gems of wisdom in the statements of relevant authors can wake you up. They are like bridges that lead you to other roads. If you follow those roads, you can solve problems.

These quotes to cheer you up at times when you are faced with everyday grief will certainly be helpful. They are practical and worth having on hand. Or, more accurately, close to your heart.

Windmills with butterfly wings

Uplifting Quotes for Everyday Grief

Imagine that your mind is like a garden. It is a long stretch of land that (at the moment) is full of weeds and invasive species. These plants detract from the beauty of your soil. The weeds are the negative thoughts that proliferate through your mind.

If you want a healthy garden full of flowers and plants, you have to weed the weeds. First, rid yourself of negative thoughts, obsessions, musings, etc. Then feed the soil, water, fertilize and plant seeds to grow beautiful flowers again.

These quotes can be the seeds you plant. Wisdom and perspectives that you can sow in your head. They will help you to reflect, to make changes and see doors where before you only saw walls… Use their wisdom, and use it well.

1. Move, make change

We’ve talked about the psychological and spiritual legacy of Wayne Dyer before. Thanks to him, millions of people have been able to implement valuable personal growth strategies.

They learn to understand their limiting behaviors and the areas they mismanage and prevent them from developing.

If you feel sad or unmotivated, don’t freeze. You don’t have to “fight” your fear or problems. Instead, you should try to understand them, to dissect them, to make them small. Then you can learn from them and move on.

2. Seize the Day! Don’t let anything or anyone stop you

Ralph Waldo Emerson was an American writer, philosopher and poet in the nineteenth century. His work and vision of what it is to be human contributed to the development of a philosophical movement called ‘New Thought’.

His legacy is full of these kinds of quotes. They are the perfect remedy for that gloomy, everyday sadness.

One of his views is simple, useful and categorical: why waste what the day offers you? The here and now will never return.

So remember that no one has the right to ruin your chance to be happy. Take the power away from the dark clouds that gather around your head. Live every day to the fullest!

Girl deals with everyday grief and releases blue butterflies

3. Don’t Let Negativity Affect You

Reading the great classics of Chekhov or Dostoevsky is truly an enriching experience. It’s so easy to recognize yourself in these stories and characters. This quote is a perfect example of that.

You can’t deny that people tend to only talk about problems, about negative things. In fact , hardly a day goes by that you don’t hear criticism. There is always something we don’t like.

It would be great to be able to filter these kinds of comments. If you could do this, your health would improve in every way.

Switch on another station, play it differently. What if you make happiness hip? What if you become obsessed with talking about positive things?

4. Open your eyes, have faith

Everyday sadness doesn’t stand a chance if you spend some time with this quote, no matter how familiar it is. It offers encouragement and hope.

The idea is clear: When you hit rock bottom and you can’t see a way out, it’s not the end. In fact, forget the door. You can open up an entire universe. You just have to learn to see it.

5. If you fall ten times, get up eleven times

People fail. People fall. The worst part is that it usually doesn’t happen once. You could trip over the same rock twenty times. But is that a reason to give up?

Absolutely not. Only the persevering people survive in this life. So don’t see a mistake as the end, and a fall as an irreparable loss, see it as an opportunity to learn so you can do better next time.

Woman at sea with waves of hearts

6. We are here to grow

This quote comes from the Talmud, and it is as beautiful as it is useful for your daily life. Everything that exists in this world has only one purpose: to grow.

However, sometimes you lose sight of this principle. You limit yourself to immobility, stagnant with fear. Everyday sorrow grips you and you become rusty, it paralyzes your wings.

Avoid that at all costs! Be free, lean towards movement, towards life and towards changes that bring you closer to happiness…

7. Instead of worrying, do something!

So astute and helpful! Most of us do this. We get carried away by certain thoughts, become obsessed with them. Fear, disappointment and failure wash over us like waves. They hit us hard and knock us down.

Worrying, however, will get you nowhere. What will get you somewhere is taking action, dealing with whatever it is that is upsetting you. When you take action, your worries will melt away. You will be able to deal constructively with everyday grief.

Finally, we encourage you to make these little gems of wisdom your own. You can use them as mental vitamins, as aspirins against discouragement. Keep them close to you.

Flowers grow from the heart of a girl with sorrow

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