Shining Your Own Light Can Be Annoying For The People Who Live In Darkness

Shining your own light can be annoying for the people who live in darkness

Shining your own light and wanting to share this feeling with others can be very annoying for those people whose hearts are filled with darkness. Unfortunately, sometimes when we want someone to be happy for us, this ultimately causes that person to dim our light a bit.

Of course you already knew this. In this life there are people who are full of light and who let this light shine without blinding the people around them, but there are also people who blind others with their toxicity. These people can overwhelm and obscure us when we are just looking for a little support.

Remember, these people don’t need you in their lives, and it’s not beneficial for you to have them in your life, especially since true friends help each other when one or both of you are going through a rough time, but can also be happy at the same time. are for each other when they have achieved their goals.

Let poisonous people drown in their own poison

Light and darkness are part of nature, and the two types of people who symbolize this must live together, communicate, and sometimes infect each other. This is exactly why it is easy to meet people who live in darkness and to annoy these people with the light you radiate.

Girl Floating Lifeless On Water And For Whom It's Too Late To Say To Herself You May Shine Your Own Light

Of course, your light is not unpleasant in itself, but the fact is that some people have to rob others of their light in order to feel better about themselves. For evil looms in their souls, and envy flows through their veins, so much envy. We all know that there are mushrooms that look delicious, but are actually not edible. The same goes for these evil people: they approach you and make you believe that they will be there for you, but when it comes down to it, they will eventually poison you anyway.

That’s why it’s important to avoid toxic friendships and distance yourself from the people who can’t be happy for us. If you think about it for a moment, you’ll realize that someone who isn’t genuinely happy for you when you achieve something you’re proud of doesn’t really love you. And in a relationship, any relationship, this is of course always the most important.

Is your happiness welcomed or looked down upon?

We love to share good news and our dreams with the people we know. We enjoy showing others that we have found our place, the place where we are truly happy with ourselves and our lives. We share this on social networks, over the phone, via email, through music and thousands of other ways we can think of.

That’s why we find it hard to understand the disgruntled expression on another’s face, showing that he’s secretly not happy for us. We expect a smile, a hug or the person saying ‘how wonderful, congratulations!’ You may have experienced this yourself. In moments like these, the light we radiated is instantly extinguished and our happiness disappears because someone doesn’t react in the way we expected and hoped.

Girl Standing Under A Light With A Bunch Of Grass In Her Hands And Thinking Let Your Own Light Shine May

When this keeps happening, we eventually come to the conclusion that bliss is contagious, but only to the people who let it spread: sometimes your inner peace causes turmoil in others and this has nothing to do with you, but rather with the way these people maintain their emotions.

Maybe their darkness disturbs your light

As I pondered this topic, an interesting analogy came to mind, and you might agree: the people who can’t stand your light remind me of wisdom teeth. I will try to explain why.

Wisdom teeth have to surface sooner or later and probably don’t all do this at the same time: at first we find them extremely annoying, and just when we can get over them, they start to hurt. We feel bad and our energy is weakened, and the only option we have is to have the molars pulled – to remove them completely so that they can no longer make our lives miserable. When the teeth are drawn, we finally feel relieved.

The people whose souls have cooled and who are unable to keep it hidden have a similar impact to wisdom teeth: they just have to show up at some point, because they are part of humanity. However, it is important to remember that wisdom teeth are actually of no use and may even cause hygiene problems. So let your own light shine and do not allow the darkness that does not belong to you ruin your mood.

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