Stop Talking, Take Action

Stop talking, take action

Many things are easier said than done. This expression explains an issue that many people recognize. Everyone has something in life that they would like to do: a dream they want to achieve, a goal they want to achieve. However, it stays with words and the plans are never actually implemented.

It is very important that everything you dream does not go undone. If you have a project or goal you’d like to complete, don’t wait until later; don’t give up and don’t procrastinate. If you do, it will be pushed aside, forgotten. It will be a source of frustration that will leave its mark on your soul, your mind and your heart.

Words are fleeting

Words are carried with the wind and blown away. You can say over and over that you’re really going to start the greatest project of your life, but if it’s just words, nothing will ever come of it. Action is needed to carry out any plan.

Heart Follow

The sacrifice of those who are able to risk everything and who take the step from words to action is all that is ultimately rewarded. The fact that the road to be walked is a hard road does not mean that it is not worth walking. Throughout the journey you will experience small successes that will fill you with satisfaction and motivate you to reach your ultimate goal. Don’t just stand there, staring into the distance, talking and hoping that everything will happen on its own, because it doesn’t.

No action means no mistakes, but no success either

It is those who just keep talking about their big ideas and projects without actually doing anything, who will never make a wrong choice, but they will never achieve success either. Nothing comes by accident; everything requires commitment.

While chance was certainly helpful in the case of the revolutionary discoveries and contributions to science of great geniuses like Isaac Newton, it was certainly not the only driving force behind this. The discoveries did not just happen. These scientists talked, but they also worked. They theorized and they took risks. They were prepared.

While success can come when least expected, these geniuses recognized it, took advantage of it, and spread it. Their discoveries may have already been seen by any other person who simply wasn’t able to recognize it.

Start without remorse

When a person decides to start something, there may come a time when he regrets it. He will go through difficult moments, moments that may make him wish he had never started anything, that he could avoid all those mistakes and all that suffering. But for those brave enough to make the attempt, the reward is far greater than for those too cowardly to even try.

Fly away

It is the idleness and immobility that yield no reward and instead generate fear. Always feeling trapped, fleeing from anything that is challenging or ambitious, does not lead to greatness, happiness, or pride in your achievements.

Finally  , regretting for not doing something is much worse than regretting something you did and went wrong. You will always know that at least you tried. You did everything you could to achieve your goal. If you don’t, you’ll have to confront that constant doubt about what could have been, but sadly wasn’t.

Don’t get stiff, don’t hesitate before you start. Don’t even let a day go by where you just talk about your big ideas without taking action. This will only leave you feeling extremely frustrated and sad. Don’t let fear paralyze you and prevent you from enjoying life as much as possible.

Think; the opportunity is right in front of you. However, taking risks means that you will be in unfamiliar territory. That you have to act, be out to do what you want to do and not just keep talking about what could have been, but never was, because it never started.

In life it is important to always make the effort and be courageous. To see your dreams come true, you have to start with actions, not words. Don’t listen to those who tell you it’s better to wait, for they are wrong. Be brave and work until you achieve what you want, because this is the only way to live a full and happy life.

–Images Courtesy of Catrin Welz-Stein–

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