The Bitter Taste Of Infidelity

The bitter taste of infidelity

Infidelity is the responsibility of both the person who commits adultery and the one who is subjected to the infidelity. Because once infidelity is proven, no one is obligated to stay with their partner. And because deep down everyone always knows who and what is involved.

Everyone involved is responsible to a greater or lesser extent. And the impulses and lack of maturity cost each of them dearly.

However you look at it, infidelity causes a great wound, especially in the one who has been ‘cheated’. But it also has a great influence on the person who committed the adultery: after all, he who cannot be trusted has a lot of trouble trusting another. In general, people who are unfaithful themselves are very jealous.

He who is no longer…

Woman in Pink Cloud

Normally, someone who has led an unfair life, full of short-lived relationships and “triangle relationships,” will find it difficult to stop one day from their behavior. In fact, it is common for the problem to become much more chronic over time. It is better not to waste your time or your life on such a person.

To put it bluntly, healthy love turns into a vice with this type of person; a true perversion. The result: ruined lives, resentful people, dead expectations. Real human failures…

If you’re stuck in such a relationship, you may be missing out on your chance to experience true love. We are not talking about idealized love here, but about a relationship that will bring you more joy than sorrow. If you choose misery instead, don’t blame others for your misfortune. Remember that you are free to choose who you love.

Love never begs

The disappointment is not only caused by the infidelity, but also by not showing enough character to say ‘it’s enough’… Everyone sometimes makes his or her own life a real hell.

In fact, what moves you is actually a kind of parasitism. It is a replica of the phenomenon that occurs in nature when one organism lives at the expense of another… When we talk about love, this is of course much worse.

In short, everything is a matter of self-esteem. A matter of dignity and love for the relationship and its future. For feelings should not be “begged” and anything that takes place under such circumstances will experience a lack of a solid and strong foundation.

In general, if you build a ten-storey building, but the base and foundation of this building is weak, sooner or later it will eventually collapse. A loved one, when caught between infidelity and disrespect for the other, can be forgiven… but infidelity is not allowed and will never be justifiable.

Infidelity is often provoked

Set on Bench

It may sound harsh, but infidelity isn’t caused by anyone but yourself, the moment you voluntarily choose to be with the wrong person.

For example, if you know that someone tends to have multiple relationships at the same time and you still choose to be with them, you’re basically just consenting and condoning your partner’s infidelity in advance. .

So before you start complaining or fall into a deep depression because of your partner ‘s infidelity , carefully analyze why you should allow infidelity. The problem as such is not so much with the other person, but with yourself.

Someone who cheats is cheating on himself

This does not mean that the person who has been unfaithful is no longer to blame. Certainly not. Undoubtedly, he is the main person responsible, although it is clear that everything that happens in the relationship is caused by both parties.

Some say that they may not have been faithful, but they are loyal because they told their partner beforehand that they had other relationships as well. However, this “sincerity” is feigned, for infidelity depends not only on deceit, but also on the effect it has on the person we have entered into a bond with.

This is therefore not really a ‘sincere’ gesture, but rather purely cynical. What they literally do is evade their obligations; they place the responsibility for their behavior on the other by means of fabrications and ingenuity…

“It’s your decision, you know how I’m put together,” they say coolly, ridding themselves of their responsibility. People who cheat are essentially selfish because their games destroy their own lives and that of others.

If it is an open relationship and all members are mature, it is ultimately everyone’s own choice. But if it’s a situation where one person takes advantage of the insecurity or emotional dependence of others, then it’s not a symmetrical relationship, but rather psychological abuse.

If I don’t love and respect myself, no one will do this

Man with Bird

Many women and men still think so. But a love that allows and even supports this is not healthy. Besides, it’s not love.

A pretty face, a beautiful body, sweet words, a nice detail, loneliness, routine, boredom… all reasons to justify infidelity… The only thing that is certain is that once it happens, the couple will never be the same again.

Infidelity does not always mean that the relationship has no chance of success. Absolute truths do not exist and certainly not in the realm of love. What is certain is that everything depends on the people involved, the circumstances in which the events take place and the couple’s ability to cope.

Can you overcome infidelity? Certainly. But if infidelity is preceded by a promise that has been broken, it will leave a bitter taste in your mouth and will require a tremendous amount of effort from both parties to stick together.


–Images courtesy of Duk, Micao Shin, Pascal Campion–

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