The Influence Of Grandparents, A Treasure From Which We All Benefit

The influence of grandparents, a treasure we all benefit from

Have  you ever considered the importance and influence that grandparents have in so many families? They are figures we always count on and who are always there for us. The help they provide is completely unique. They bring a lot of benefits to their grandchildren and children. The influence of grandparents goes far beyond what we can probably imagine.

Grandparents don’t just play a fundamental role in the  family. As a society  , we also  benefit from their input and from the ties that arise and develop thanks to them. In this article, we look at the influence of grandparents and all the benefits they contribute.

The Psychological Benefits of Grandparenting Influence

Not so long ago, the norm was for the father to work outside the home. The mother was responsible for the household chores. Today, the roles have changed. Fathers and mothers are often both in the workplace and also do the household.

Therefore, it is very unlikely that the sum of the time both invest will ever equal the amount of time their mothers invested. In these circumstances, many grandparents lend a helping hand. They stay with the grandchildren when neither parent is available. The parents will have a calm state of mind. Moreover, the children can hardly be in better hands.

But they are not only a reassuring support for the parents. The influence of the grandparents also continues. Because they can give good advice based on their experience. This is especially the case when questions arise about how the children should be raised. And not only this, they are also able to feel empathy for the everyday difficulties of family life. Finally, we must not forget their valuable role as mediators in conflicts that may arise in the family.

The benefits for the grandchildren

The psychological benefits for the grandchildren

Those of us who have had the opportunity to enjoy their company as grandchildren realize the indelible influence of grandparents. They really left a mark on our lives. But this is not just a subjective feeling. It is also, to a very large extent, an objective sensation. On the one hand, the grandparents do not deal with rules as rigidly as the parents. So the time people spend with their grandchildren is more fun-oriented.

So when the grandchildren are with their grandparents, they get two gifts. They value those gifts the most and they stimulate their growth: attention and time. The children feel at ease. They are also listened to. At the same time, they have fun. They play with people who love them and who they love. On the other hand, they develop values ​​by interacting with the grandparents, such as respect and interest in their experiences.

These benefits don’t end when our childhood is over. It has been found that adults who enjoyed their grandparents as children develop more effective and adapted social and emotional skills. This gives them the opportunity to create more and better emotional bonds. It also allows them to have a healthier and happier social life.

The psychological benefits for the grandparents

That special relationship doesn’t just benefit everyone. This role also affects grandparents. They feel useful and valued and have a task. They usually have better self-confidence than other people their age who do not have grandchildren or who do not have direct contact with their grandchildren.

The benefits for the grandparents

The grandparents also feel that they are taken care of. That’s just like how their grandchildren feel when they are with them. The grandparents also feel that they are being listened to. Because children are often interested in the stories that the grandparents tell them about their childhood. In this way the family ties are strengthened.

But not only that, the relationships with the grandchildren also provide the grandparents with the motivation to learn new things and use the new technologies. This ensures that they stay on top of what is happening. Grandparents are unique and a precious asset that benefits all family members… So let’s enjoy them!

Featured images courtesy of Lotte Meijer, William Stitt and Cristian Newman.

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