The Kaizen Method: A Model To Improve One Step At A Time

The most impressive fact about the Kaizen method is that it encourages people to set goals that are so small that it is almost impossible to fail. It is a very effective method. It has helped Japan to become the superpower it is today.
The Kaizen method: a model to improve one step at a time

The Kaizen method is a model for achieving improvement. It was first applied in the business world. However, it is so effective that other areas have also adopted this method.

Today you can apply it to almost every other aspect of life. This method was designed in Japan as part of quality control.

Anyway, the Kaizen method descends from Taoism. The word  “kaizen”  means “change for the better.” However, it is not about getting better as an individual but as a team. This method is designed from an altruistic point of view. The goal is to build a better world.

Improvement is not a specific goal for the Kaizen method. Rather, it is an ongoing process and a lifestyle.

Many believe that this method made Japan a superpower after the destruction that World War II left behind. It is incredibly useful in business processes. However, in this article we will focus on the application on a more personal level.

The Kaizen method for continuous improvement

Start by believing that if you improve 1% of your life every day, you will achieve incredible change in the medium or long term.

Kaizen is based on the idea that it is better to make smaller but ongoing improvements. This is better than setting big goals that you never achieve precisely because they are so big and difficult.

This method is very effective because it removes two major obstacles to change. The first hurdle is the fear of change. The goal is not to make any major changes. So you will be less anxious. You will also have more realistic expectations. As a result, you will also experience fewer disappointments.

In addition, the Kaizen method also helps to prevent procrastination. You are actually delaying change. If you feel like you’re in front of a huge assignment, chances are you’re going to put it off.

You also know which standards can be intimidating to you. This method of continuous improvement eliminates this obstacle. So it will no longer hinder you.

The Kaizen method for continuous improvement

So small it’s impossible to fail

The Kaizen method allows you to set small but continuous goals or challenges. These objectives are so accessible that it is almost impossible to fail. For example, if you want to pay all your debts, this method encourages you to save a small amount each day.

This method is based on the principle “one small step at a time.”  The philosophy is that you can go very far if you focus on one single step.

The difficulty level may increase. However, you will progress slowly and incessantly. Still, the secret is that you don’t see it as an obligation. You should only take another step if you feel you are ready.

The only thing you commit to with this method is getting better at something by getting a little better every day.

Of course you should be aware that some objectives will take more time to achieve. However, that doesn’t matter. What matters is that you commit to doing it every day and that it makes you feel better.

A chain of successes

A chain of successes

The Kaizen method invites us not to stand still. We must not let the day pass without improving something. It is important here that you do not focus on the end goal but on the process itself.

This method also tells us that we need to develop a lifestyle where we constantly improve ourselves. This will make us always feel like winners.

It’s also not just about the satisfaction of achieving a goal every day. After all, it also has to do with how this method is an effective way to solve major problems. Japan itself has come out of a massive crisis by adopting this philosophy bit by bit.

You can apply this method in any area of ​​your life, such as weight loss or romantic relationships. When you start applying it, you will feel different. After all, you will feel like you have more control over your life. You will also be more optimistic about living it. 

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