The Law Of Attraction: Does It Really Exist?

The Law of Attraction: Does It Really Exist?
The law of attraction. It is very possible that you have heard of this. We’re not talking about attraction in the sense of romantic relationships, no, we’re talking about attraction in the sense of personal development, a method that has proven extremely successful over the past few years.

Be confident that luck will be on our side in our ventures. Having an intense desire for something, full of optimism and confidence, hoping that this will ensure that all those desired goals will be achieved. These ideas, expressed as simply as possible, would give shape to the well-known concept of the ‘law of attraction’, which states that we can emit certain waves of energy that will work in our favor.

“We are what we think,” this law tells us. We develop a mental state through fine, harmonious vibrations that we create with our own thoughts. These vibrations are both the cause and the means by which we obtain things.

Is this possible? And besides, can we rely on it? Given its relevance, especially in the field of personal development, it is worth taking a closer look at this objectively.

The basics of the ‘law of attraction’

The ‘law of attraction’ is not a new concept. It has its roots in classical theosophy and in the ‘new age’ movement, which is based on energy fields and forces that together make up the universe.

Nor should we forget the ‘positive thought’, that well-known – and sold – motivation theory, capable of giving us the energy and self-confidence we so desperately need. At the same time, the “law of attraction” also has dimensions that are incredibly accepted in various psychological disciplines that you probably already know:

  • Cognitive theory: An ideal perspective for the learning field in which cognitive processes such as thinking and memory processes can help us acquire knowledge and effect change. For example, think of people who are trying to quit smoking. By visualizing how they start the day without that much-needed cigarette, they can induce real change. In other words, the thought helps us achieve our goal, just like the law of attraction.
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy:  The interesting thing about this psychological approach is that it teaches us that our thoughts are the source of our emotions and behaviors. Never the other way around. In other words, we control the emotional field by changing our thoughts. If I think about putting my problems aside and, moreover, I am determined to achieve this goal, this thought will eventually direct my ability so that I will achieve it.
The Law of Attraction

An alternative to the law of attraction: action

The only objective criticism we can have of the law of attraction is that it places too much importance on energy fields and the essential idea that in order to get something, we have to ‘ask for it’. Be it the universe or that greater or invisible force that surrounds us and is also connected to us. Although this also has value, it in any case ensures an enthusiastic, positive and grateful attitude.

But as we already know, just asking is not enough. It will not do us much good to humbly ask whether our goals may be accomplished if we do nothing for them ourselves. It will always be right and necessary to stay positive, this goes without saying, but this positivity has to be reasonable and logical. The solutions in our lives don’t just happen because we think, want and hope so.

We will therefore adopt the law of attraction as the first stimulus for a change of attitude. We think about what we want, we understand that we have to change something and that we must, logically, make an effort to achieve it, now we just have to supplement it with the ‘law of action’. The real secret is actually in discovering what it is that you want and at the same time realizing that in order to achieve something, you will have to do something, and even realize this in such a way that you actually take action. Fortunately, the motivation behind your wishes will ensure that you have taken this step.

So determine what kind of life you want, add your own resources and strategies, work towards this life every day and see that behind every achievement is our own amazing strength. A force that makes us proud to be ourselves.

The law of attraction is a great motivational concept, but it’s always good to look at things objectively, bearing in mind that the ‘concept of the positive thought’ is also just a sales item these days. Therefore, do not focus on the thought alone, always have faith in yourself, and direct your thoughts and actions in such a way that you work towards the life you desire.

The life that makes you happy and worth fighting for.

Images Courtesy of Seoien, Nino kaan

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