The Special Moments We Share

The special moments we share

Many of the most special moments in your life are the moments you share. These are pieces of magical connection with special people. Be it friends, relatives, summer lovers or the love of your life. They were, they are, and they will be happy moments that you appreciate and that give you strength in difficult times.

If you had pictures of every moment in your life, chances are some scenes would have a very special glow. These are moments of joy, well-being and subtle balance. Those moments when it seems like everything in your life is suddenly harmonious. Instead of complaining that these moments of perfection don’t happen more often, be thankful you were able to experience them.

Martin Seligman, known for his books on positive psychology, decided in 1990 to no longer focus on what makes people less unhappy, but rather on what makes them happy. Since then, authors have written millions of books about ‘being happy’ and ‘how to do it’. They tell us how we ourselves can be the creators of the special experiences we mentioned earlier. They explain how to make competent decisions, and how to create your own happiness, self-confidence and personal self-confidence. As we work on these aspects of our lives, our daily lives will better align with our personal needs.

Seligman’s positive psychology has received much criticism. In fact, well-known psychiatrists and social psychologists, such as New York University’s Jerome Wakefield, believe that today’s society is obsessed with “being happy.” So obsessed that we have simply forgotten how to deal with grief and how to enjoy special moments.

We forget that happiness actually consists of moments. These are precious bits of time that come and go like shiny soap bubbles that burst and disappear… But they put a smile on our faces and give us a magical, almost childlike, feeling of happiness.

soap bubbles

Shared moments are the key to happiness

Close your eyes for a moment. Ask your memory to transport you to a happy time. You are there in just over a second. Maybe you get into mischief with your classmates or play in the pool with your siblings. The smell of chlorine and freshly cut grass returns. Maybe you see yourself with your grandpa and grandma, and you two walk hand in hand and tell each other stories. Those special moments are so precious.

Happy childhood moments often have a special place in our memories. But maybe your happy moments are the moments you spend with your partner. Or that memorable trip you took with your friends.

These shared special moments are connected by the common thread of your emotions, mutual understanding and affection. They are a precious and unique gift in our most intimate thoughts and personal history. We ‘lived’ them, and now they are pieces of history that fill us.

Colleagues call Sonia Lyubormirsky, a psychology professor at the University of California, “the scientist of happiness.” According to Sonia , being happy requires some effort. But, she says, if you put in the time and effort, you’ll realize it can be quite fun.

Why is that? One way to achieve happiness is to learn how to connect with others. Having friends and important relationships is a great way to cultivate more “magic” moments. Sometimes just drinking coffee with someone is enough to have a happy and joyful moment.

Two friends share special moments

You create your extraordinary moments

We need to look beyond cliche statements about happiness. “Happiness is just around the corner” or “happiness comes when you least expect it.” People say these things all the time. But you need to know a few things very well. Good attitude and self-confidence are the keys to enjoying life. You have to be open to new things. If you don’t, it will be difficult for you to enjoy life. You will encounter many closed doors unless you develop your ability to connect and perceive.

Apply the right filters in your daily life and you will be able to create special moments. As a result, you will enjoy life more.

Tips for creating special moments

The first strategy is knowing how to focus on things that matter. Keep in mind who and what is essential in your heart. Then you can invest time, effort and energy in these special aspects of your life.

The second step is generosity. Beautiful moments are often born when you do something for someone else or when someone does something for you. They come about because you share things from the heart. You feel true affection for the other person. These moments are free from selfishness or hidden interests.

The third strategy is related to our ability to live in the present moment. How well do you live in the here and now? Ask yourself this question because it is important to understand that happiness is not something you can plan. So, never put off until tomorrow the happiness you can experience today.

Crazy friends in costume

The last strategy involves gratitude. You should understand that happiness, just like we said at the beginning, comes and goes. These magical moments will not last forever. So, as long as you enjoy it, you should also express gratitude. Say thanks for the special people around you. Appreciate that you can enjoy that experience that helps you grow as a person. This way you will be able to give the best of yourself and you will feel that you are worthy of those positive emotions.

Finally, don’t hesitate to create special moments whenever you can.

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