Time Flies. Lucky You Have Wings!

Time flies.  Lucky you have wings!

Maybe you think you don’t have enough time for everything. But the real problem is that time can’t get enough of you. You sometimes feel overwhelmed when you see how your days and months go by, how the years go by… But remember this: it may be true that time flies, but you are the one who has wings. Try to always be in control of your flight path so you can enjoy the view.

Saint Augustine once wisely remarked that few things are as difficult to define as the idea of ​​time. “If no one asks me, then I know what it is, but if someone asks me ‘what is time?’, I can’t explain it”. Things get even more confusing when we consider that every culture and country has its own ideas on the subject.

For many western societies ‘time is money’. Maybe this sounds a bit funny. But since the dawn of the industrial revolution, the incessant and unstoppable “tick-tack, tap-tack” has become synonymous with money. Our daily lives are governed by a series of patterns and routines that are almost always determined by the schedules of our work.

Well, here’s an extremely interesting fact that makes us stop and think for a moment. According to an article in Business Insider magazine , countries such as the United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, the Netherlands or Austria have a linear concept of time. They also believe that spending time on work is the best way to use it.

But in southern European countries like Spain and Italy, things are a little different. Richard Lewis and other authors tell us that people in these countries are ‘multi-active’. The more they can do at the same time, the happier they feel. But they believe that it is best to invest your time in the company of other people and not while working. In this case, those moments when you build quality relationships are the best way to spend it.

Children and adults, different experiences of time

Three girlfriends enjoying their time together because time flies

A child perceives time very differently than an adult. Children have just started their lives. Their sensory information is so intense, magical and fascinating that everything seems more alive. The days pass slowly and quietly, like a giant elephant walking at a snail’s pace through an extraordinary world. This world is a collage of shapes, textures and colors, with endless things to discover and new information and memories to process.

However, adults live deep down in a music box where the same melody always plays. The strict routine erases all excitement. It locks us into a predictable and monotonous cycle that disconnects us from everything that once seemed extraordinary.

So the world looks too familiar and every day looks the same. That’s how time flies. Adult time perception has long since separated itself from the company of that elephant. When we wanted to walk with him, he invited us to slow down and  focus on the here and now.

Little girl holding an elephant's trunk and walking with him through a withered landscape

Two views of time, that of the child and that of the adult, reinforce what William James called “psychological time.” This theory reminds us that time doesn’t necessarily accelerate as we get older. To some extent, everything depends on the way we live our lives. Another important role is played by our ability to continue to experiment and appreciate the shades in life with wonder and curiosity.

Spread your wings. Don’t let time fly for you

We all know that the days go faster when we are adults. Still, it’s worth pointing out that we are the only ones who have wings. So we have to give ourselves the chance to be present and enjoy the landscape. We must seize the moment and let the warm breeze take us to see the most beautiful sunrises.

At the same time, it is clear that we have certain obligations. We have to do our job and have goals that we want to achieve. There are also routines that we keep doing because they create harmony in our lives. But to enjoy a better quality of life we ​​need to understand one little thing. Time is the most valuable thing we humans can spend. Therefore, we must make wise choices about how we will use our time and who we will invest it in.

Make the most of the time you have!

If we don’t find joy in what we do or if we don’t work at something that is truly satisfying, then we are wasting our lives. The years fly by. They disappear like snow in the sun. We must not let that happen. Sometimes we have to make things happen. But there are also times when we have to make things happen ourselves. We make them happen because we want to and because we need to.

To achieve this we have only one choice: to spread our wings and search for our destiny, our place, our people, our purpose… We must do whatever it takes to make this possible. Make the most of the time you have!

Girl with a tattoo of a wing on each arm because time flies, but so does she

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