To Live Together In Peace You Must Add, Not Subtract

To live together in peace you have to add, not subtract

I have reached a point in my life where half-truths, false apparitions, and the pursuit of profit are simply exhausting. This world is sometimes fed by dark days and periodic people. That’s why I want people in my company who know how to add, not subtract. People who live together in peace. I long for ties that will be my lighthouse so that I can build a free horizon, full of hope.

Experts in social psychology and leadership remind us of an experience we’ve all had. No doubt certain people have an indefinable influence as soon as they walk into a room. Sometimes the expression ‘having an inner light’ seems authentic, believable. They are apparitions that radiate tranquility and harmony for a reason.

What is cognitive awareness?

The person who exerts this positive influence has consciously chosen this state. He is content with himself, there is no conflict, no resentment. There is only an inner balance that these types of people can radiate to those around them.

These people are, without a doubt, individuals who know how to add. They bring connection to every scenario and ensure that their immediate environment flows. Often they have a lot of skills when it comes to opening their emotional umbrella. In turn, this protects them from the vicious acts of others, manipulations and feelings of guilt.

We invite you to think about this, and especially to learn some strategies from these types of people.

Girl And Little Birds Living Together In Peace

Living together in peace and knowing how to add means setting boundaries

We live in a complicated world, in territories blessed with an energetic charge. This charge can be positive or negative, based on the kind of human interaction that takes place within. We also know that certain labels are very popular today, such as the classic ‘toxic people’. But beyond these polemical terms, one thing is clear, and we must accept it. There will always be people who will fill our existence with bitterness, be it directly or indirectly.

There are people who don’t know how to add up. We know that. Friends, colleagues or relatives who do not understand and will never understand that to live together in peace it is not enough to fulfill your own personal wishes at all costs. However, it must be said that sometimes there is a concrete problem behind that so-called toxic person. For example, a depression, which without a doubt demands empathy from us.  

We have to read between the lines and not automatically jump to conclusions. That place where we leave people alone with their problems. Sometimes, on the other hand, we need to use our shields so that we don’t get overwhelmed by the negative energy that some people radiate. Living together in peace also means being able to feel understanding and empathy. It’s not about setting boundaries without knowing what the root of the problem is.

Little Birds Sitting On A Snowman And Living Together In Peace

People who know how to shine, people who know how to live together in peace

We’ve already talked about people who know how to shine and who use their cognitive awareness. Above all, however, it is helpful that we learn how to put this into practice. We must learn how to make it our own, to infuse our everyday environment with an energy that creates a peaceful society. An energy that also gives us the opportunity to defend ourselves with respect, with an authentic emotional intelligence.

Then we invite you to reflect on the dimensions that shape this behavior, which is full of harmony and inner balance.

Girl Walking With A Few Rabbits In An Umbrella Over The Ocean Living Together In Peace

How to develop healthy and useful cognitive awareness

To create a good influence in our daily experiences in favor of that desire for coherence, it  is necessary that we first fill ourselves with coherence. That is, it is necessary to find out what is going on in our inner world. We need to learn to be more cognitively aware.

In order to add and not to subtract,  we must not focus our attention solely on the outside world. It’s not about living alone with all the good will you can muster to help others and “do good.” The one who focuses only on appearance usually neglects himself,  and then the harmony is also lost.

It is therefore necessary to develop  an authentic inner peace,  to keep in mind what your values ​​are, what your strength is. Always remember to reaffirm your self-confidence, as that lighthouse that you must always keep in sight.

On the other hand, it is also a positive thing to  practice appropriate sensory awareness. We need to feel intuitively and know how to understand the emotions of others, feelings that often surround and imprison us.

A person who is able to radiate, who is able to add up, is able to understand and decipher his emotional world in order to channel it. He will develop a respectful and appropriate ’emotional detachment’ towards people who spread conflict, criticism and unfounded bitterness.

Likewise, these types of people know how to empathize with people who camouflage their real needs through hostility or a bad mood. Because this is where loneliness, anxiety and depression often hide.

Build bridges, don’t impose limits

Finally, living together in peace does not mean setting boundaries or ignoring what you do not want to accept or understand. It’s about building bridges and respecting different opinions. Living together in peace is about understanding those who suffer in silence and making those who sometimes fall into a dark cloud of confusion shine.

Authentic distance is preserved for when we have suffered authentic damage. For in this life those who know how to add are no one’s prisoners. They are people who are free, happy with who they are. People who in turn are able to transfer their well-being to those around them. 

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