Today Is The Day To Turn Resentment Into Forgiveness

Today is the day to turn resentment into forgiveness

At some point in our lives, we have reached the point where we can no longer tolerate a particular person or thing, for example, we can no longer stand the behavior of one of our friends or relatives.

But what happens when we can no longer tolerate ourselves ? When we think: How could we have done this? How did I accept that job? How could I eat so much?

Without realizing it, we become our own enemy. This is something that is the result of anger or rage we feel towards another person; resentment that makes us unable to stand ourselves.

If we hold a grudge, we are not happy. We suppress an anger that wants to get out, that wants to be expressed and to be liberated. But what we don’t realize is that we are the ones who suffer the most from this situation. We are the ones who have to live with the bitterness and constantly feel unhappy and angry.

Resentment makes us angry

You may not have noticed it, but at some point you’ve seen people looking angry all the time. Their anger is visible in their faces. And you wonder: why are they so mad? Isn’t it better to be happy?

The same thing happens when we hold a grudge for someone. We become hostile without wanting to and it will show in our faces.


Hostility, in turn, brings nothing but negativity into our lives. Wondering why things aren’t going right lately? Think about how you behave. Therein lies the answer.

We don’t realize that  hostility always works against us. It affects not only us, but also everyone and everything around us. The people we love most and all of our relationships will suffer from this new way of living our lives.

Hostility will do us no good. It is so serious that we can get sick if we spend a long time in that situation.

What can we do to stop being hostile? For starters  , we need to surround ourselves with positive people who have a lot of sympathy and happiness to give. 

Sometimes we become overwhelmed with hostility because we surround ourselves with hostile, negative and evil people who keep mentally undermining us without us noticing.

learn to forgive

When we find ourselves filled with hostility and resentment, we must learn to forgive. Not only others, but also ourselves.

Boy on the Beach

As we have mentioned, sometimes you feel filled with resentment and you can’t stand yourself and your behavior.

Forgiving yourself and others takes time. That’s why it’s necessary to get rid of things in advance that could keep us from doing it.

  • The wounds that others can cause.
  • The hard feelings that do nothing but hinder our happiness and forgiveness.
  • The selfishness that brings you sorrow and prevents you from enjoying the power of generosity.
  • Thinking and living in the past, something that keeps us from moving forward.
  • Being bothered by rumors or worrying about what other people might say about you.

All these things, and more, cause our lives to become filled with bitterness, so that we cannot forgive others and ourselves.

We all make mistakes and  we need to free ourselves from everything that others can do to us. What have they done to hurt you? Realize that it is you who allow the pain, because it is not physical pain. Don’t you have the power to decide who can hurt you and who can’t?

Keep in mind that the less you allow others to hurt you, the more you can ignore the rumors, the more you will live in the present without thinking about the future, the more possibilities you are likely to see in things around you.

You will be free and nothing will hurt you. Live your life, forgive others and forgive yourself. Be free and happy.

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