True Love Is Rewarded With Love

True love is rewarded with love

Each of us deserves to experience a love that moves us every day to be better, that is based on honesty and free of appearances. The kind of feeling that relieves your fears and nourishes you inside. The kind that let us be our true selves, make us happy, and never do any harm on purpose.

We all deserve to find ourselves in someone else’s heart and feel like we can talk to them without pretending, without having to fight to keep them with us. We all deserve to feel love flowing and experience how our reason and emotions align.

Find the love of your life in the same person every day

When allowed to grow, love is the most fulfilling and satisfying feeling there is, in all of its forms. Therefore, the love given should never be bitter if the love received is sincere and open.

Love is both commitment and freedom. It encourages you to choose the same person over and over to share your life with. It is understanding cooperation in a relationship, which you use to your advantage to create your own secluded world in which you can feel safe.

It is the realization that the most beautiful things in life are three times more expensive, and it is your ability not to lose this realization as the years go by. It’s the renewal of emotions, it’s putting together a puzzle where the commonalities fit into the disagreements, it’s the risk of jumping into the unknown, knowing you might fall.

Love knows nothing except tenderness, respect, and mutual affection. It is passion, impulse, idealization, meaning, and life. So why do we accept a love that has become cruel? Why do we keep calling it “love” when there’s nothing left of it?


If it does damage it’s not love

The simple yet complex experience of being in love sometimes makes people accept situations that are in reality unacceptable. A love that forces you to suffer in the hope of that fairytale ending is not true love. Love hurts sometimes, but it never hurts intentionally.

When two people love each other, all that exists is to see the other person happy, even if for some reason that person decides to leave. It’s not mutual love if it’s poisonous. It’s not healthy if you have to deny yourself in order to keep it.

If there is jealousy, ignorance, and mental and/or physical abuse, then it cannot be called love, because true love is rewarded with love and affection.

You must love yourself first

Society makes us believe that people love each other in order to feel complete and not to be lonely. It’s the idea of ​​finding your “other half” to complete yourself and be able to be happy. However, this view is not only wrong, but sometimes even dangerous.


It’s no coincidence that some of the greatest minds in history defended the idea that it’s impossible to love another if you don’t love yourself first. This means not only that we should not look for another to complete ourselves, but that we must be complete ourselves before we can truly share our love with another.

If you want an honest relationship where both parties can offer each other the opportunity to get to know each other, get to know yourself first. Know exactly what you are looking for, what your fears and desires are, how you can grow personally, and to what extent the other person should be willing to make their way towards yours. In other words, to truly love someone, you must first love yourself and be truly capable of both the former and the latter.

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