What Should You Do When Love Ends?

It is difficult to get used to such a situation, but sometimes something is immutable once. Love ends and it now seems that more and more relationships are coming to an end, families are being separated and third parties are getting in the way. What can we do in such a situation?

Is it better to wait for them to leave you, or is it better to end the relationship yourself? Anyway, neither is easy. It’s always hard to leave something behind that once made you happy.  That forces you to see that the time and strength of the band has run out and two people – who were previously inseparable – could no longer keep together. But clinging to something because of what it used to be is not a good idea.

Choosing to end a relationship will always be difficult. You should thoroughly consider its pros and cons. “Has something changed? Is there a solution? Do I want to fight for the relationship or would I rather give up? Is this because of exhaustion or lack of desire? Do I think I deserve better?”

Asking and answering these questions will help you think about the problem. It may also give you a little more confidence in your choice if you haven’t decided yet — despite the fact that this one is ultimately better for you.

Impulsivity, anger and sadness do not lead to good choices. Therefore, it is better to wait and think carefully before making a decision. Give yourself some time to  feel so that you can make an informed choice afterwards.

Love ends

When love ends, can you still win it back?

There are no proven, universally applicable theories that we can apply to all relationships. There are people who find the secret formula for a second chance at love —  and people who can’t, or who don’t even want to try. What we can be sure of is that if you both want it and you both put in the effort, you can get there.

Within a relationship, you both make decisions, you both work and you both create a magic specifically between the two of you. When you want to get something back and you both put effort into achieving it, into rebuilding something, it’s  because you both want to know if there is still love between you  — and want to feel it too. This is exactly where you can find your love again.

We know that love ends, but that only happens when one or both parties stop putting effort into the functioning of the relationship. If you think there’s anything else worth fighting for, do it. If you still want it, keep trying. Don’t feel guilty about “not trying hard enough.”

Divorced couple

Being in different phases doesn’t mean it’s over

Love goes through its phases. Shifting to another phase from the starting point may make you think that your love has come to an end. This is a common fallacy. After all, the honeymoon is great, but it’s also a bit unreal. After all, we really need to get to know our partners. Only then can we learn to actually love them—without blinkers.

Love may end, and when it does, you will have to move on with your life. Making the decision to end a relationship may be very difficult, but the pain afterwards is only temporary. In a while we will see all that we had to miss by staying with someone who no longer made us happy.

Love is a long and sometimes complicated path to walk. Therefore, sometimes ending your relationship is also a way to guarantee the little love that still exists between you in a way. Sometimes trying to keep something together that has long since come to an end can break you. Allow yourself to think about this and ask yourself, “Do I really want to build a future with the one I’m with now?”

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